Di, 11.10.22 | 19:30-20:30 Uhr | Online-Podiumsgespräch Juden in der Türkei
The Politics of Turkey regarding Jews during the Second World War
The story of the 1933 University Reform and the Jewish German professors invited to Turkey is an important chapter in the history of immigration to Germany and Turkey. Many of the professors not only played an important role in the establishment of Turkish universities, but also built a new life in Turkey. The public programs accompanying the exhibition of The Garden of Forgetting at the Franconia Jewish Museum focus on this chapter of history, as well as on Turkey’s overall Jewish policy in similar years.
The conference will be moderated by Nora Şeni, the scientific officer of the „Politics of Memory“ program. Bahar will speak on „What Happened to the Turkish Jews in France in World War II?“ and Guttstadt on „Turkey, the Holocaust and Memory“.
İzzet Bahar completed his doctoral studies at the University of Pittsburgh in 2012. In his books Turkey and the Rescue of European Jews (Routledge, 2015), Turkey in the Second World War and the „Jewish Question“ (Libra Kitapçılık ve Yayınevi, 2020), and his published articles, Bahar analyzes the attitude and policy of the Turkish government of the time towards Jewish refugees and Turkish Jews living in German-controlled Europe in the face of Nazi policies that began with restrictive laws and forced migration and gradually turned into the mass extermination of Jews during World War II.
Corry Guttstadt completed her PhD on „Turkey, Jews and the Holocaust“ at the Universität Hamburg in 2009, which was published in Turkish by İletişim Publishing in 2012. Guttstadt continues to work at the archive and research center in Yad Vashem (Israel), and her latest book on the memories of Turkish Jews in Europe in the 1930s-1940s will be published by the Beate Klarsfeld Foundation.
Nora Şeni is a professor at Université Paris 8. Her articles on current Turkish politics are published in Le Monde and Libération. In 2013, she prepared the issue „Géopolitique de la Turquie“ [Geopolitics of Turkey] for Hérodote magazine. Şeni has researched and published on topics such as history and memory, the Ottoman and Turkish city, sexual and religious discrimination in the city, minorities in the Ottoman Empire and Turkey, the city and culture.
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Anmeldung: event@juedisches-museum.org